The Wes Anderson Collection
USD 37,4 - LBP 56,000*(VAT included)
Wes Anderson is one of the most influential voices from the past two decades of American cinema. A true auteur, Anderson is known for the visual artistry, inimitable tone, and idiosyncratic characterizations that make each of his films. The Wes Anderson Collection is the first in-depth overview of Anderson’s filmography, guiding readers through his life and career. The interview and images are woven together in a meticulously designed book that captures the spirit of his films: melancholy and playful, wise and childish and thoroughly original.
Available at:
PAPERCUP Agopian bldg, Pharaon St,Mar Mikhael, BeirutPhone: + 961 1 443
*Beirut Bazar is not responsible should prices change or stock run out.
Tagged as: Books, Mar Mikhael