Beirut… the city. Neighborhoods to be discovered and experienced, images to be taken, words to be written.
Beirut… the encounters. Genuine smiles, innate kindness, spontaneous hospitality and even the occasional worries.
Beirut… the history. Millenniums in sight, interlaced with streets and alleys, above and below.
Beirut… the stories. Little anecdotes that pepper daily routine and make up the city’s soul and spirit.
Beirut… the traditions. Those that are spoken of with great emotion. Those that have been preserved.
Daylight brings out Beirut’s realities, diverse and entwined.
Beyond the clichés, Beirut has so many things to show and say. The mission of this book is to allow the reader to discover Beirut and its neighborhoods with a different look and before the city loses its specificities and real spirit. Indeed, too many stories about Beirut are unknown or worst, are disappearing with the construction of new buildings disfiguring our city.
(Photography by Ghadi Smat)
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